Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Faceted Raw Ruby and Moonstone Earrings

                            Natural ruby is so beautiful in it's unfinished, opaque, softish way. These stones have been enhanced with dye and faceted to make wonderful red teardrops framed in a vermeil bezel (sterling silver with 22k gold). The gold brings out the warmth in the ruby. I have teamed the teardrops with milky moonstone. If you are looking for highly polished, clear rubies, which should have some diamonds to keep them company, you have found their dreamy, casually gorgeous cousins.Some ancient cultures believed that rubies protected the person wearing them because of their blood-like color. Moonstone is beleived to bring inner growth. The Duchess doesn't know how these legends about stones come about, she just likes the colors. The length, not including the hoop, is almost 2 inches.           

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