Saturday, February 14, 2015

Vintage Rhinestone Crystal Beautiful Bow Earrings

I don't collect vintage jewelry, but I am constantly given pieces from grandmothers and friends whomever that has extra pieces or old pieces from grandma that they don't want.  Grandmother passed away and her huge collection of vintage jewelry that she had collected landed in my house.  I love to use pieces in jewelry, but some pieces I don't want to dismantle for a jewelry piece.

These earrings are about 1.5" long in total.  They are bright and beautiful, probably from the 60's or before or after.  Kind of a classic timeless piece.  They are posts and all the rhinestones are set in a gold setting.  I haven't looked for a stamp on the back to see who made these, or whatever.  It's just too hard to see.  But they are solid and beautiful.

Did you know the popularity of the jeweled bow pin and earrings began with the Royal Jewels in the UK.  In fact, the bow is still a favorite piece of Queen Elisabeth.  I watched that on youtube documentary called the Royal Jewels, or the Crown Jewels.  Very interesting on how we got our styles of today.

Any questions convo me.                    

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