Thursday, February 26, 2015

GO For The GLAM... Swarovski Ruby Crystal and Pearl Drop Earrings..Topaz Crystal Rondels in Gold Plate Add Elegance to a Night on the Town

Ruby Swarovski crystals just say “rich” to this free spirit.  That is how you will feel when these classic crystal and pearl drops sparkle from your ears as you leave for a night on the town or just a gathering with friends.  Go for it!!

Handcrafted with 12mm Swarovski “Graphic” crystals in Ruby, captured, top and bottom,  by gold and topaz crystal rondels and Swarovski pearls in palest peach.  How is your evening going so far?

The overall length from the top of the classic earhook is 1 ¾” or approximately 47mm.

Thanks for looking,,,please stop by anytime!

Pam...a Gypsy at Heart                    

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